Right of Entry - landlord applications for assistance in exercising the landlord's right of entry
The Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 (link is external) gives the landlord of a property to which the repairing standard applies specific rights to enter the rented property for the purpose of—
(a)viewing its state and condition for the purpose of determining whether the house meets the repairing standard, or
(b)carrying out any work necessary to comply with the duty in section 14(1)(b) or a repairing standard enforcement order.
The Private Rented Housing (Scotland) Act 2011 (link is external) amended the 2006 Act to give the landlord an avenue to apply to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber) for assistance in exercising his right of entry if he is unable to gain access to the property. The Housing and Property Chamber can assist in arranging a suitable date for access and where required fix a date for access if a tenant and landlord cannot agree a date. The commencement date for acceptance of applications under this new jurisdiction was 1 December 2015.
Please use the “In this section” menu to browse the FAQ, or download the application form and guidance.”