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Hearing Date
Our Ref Street Name Town Number of Rooms Post Code Decision Date Previous Rent Appealed Rent Full decision file Tribunal Decision Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
PRHP.R r.a98 Innerwick Drive Glasgow 0 G52 2HY £5400.00 £6600.00 £5450.00
rr.130016 (rdt).pdf Abbey Grange Newtongrange 5 EH22 4RJ £2243.00 £4000.00 £5600.00
PRHP.R r.0003 North Bughtlin Gate Edinburgh 8 EH12 8XL £3572.00 £4458.00 £5825.00
PRHP.R r.876 Glencoats Drive Paisley 0 PA3 1RW £3718.00 £4312.00 £4312.00
PRHP.R r.872 Main Street Coaltown of Wemyss 0 KY1 4NT £3144.00 £3624.00 £4484.00
PRHP.R r.868 St Bernards Crescent Edinburgh 0 EH4 1NR £2755.00 £2949.00 £6125.00
PRHP.R r.860 Hayburn Street Glasgow 0 G11 6DF £2744.00 £3150.00 £4560.00
PRHP.R a.96 Union Street Dundee 0 DD1 4BE £4230.00 £4800.00 £4230.00
PRHP.R r852 Strathallan Court Cornton Road 0 FK9 4BW £4363.00 £4231.00 £6296.00
PRHP.R r853 Strathallan Court Cornton Road 0 FK9 4BW £4363.00 £4231.00 £5996.00