Closure of Glasgow Tribunals Centre
Further to the last update on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in this news article:
we have the following update:
The Glasgow Tribunal Centre (as the HPC administrative base) will be closed to administration staff from 25th March 2020; there will be limited staff that will be able to action any urgent or time critical applications remotely. These will be processed through the sift stage to the point of notification of acceptance of the application (to the stage of Rule 9 in the HPC Procedural Rules - these rules are available on the HPC website) in readiness for fixing a case management discussion (CMD) or hearing.
We would encourage applicants to submit any urgent and legislative time critical applications electronically and for parties to provide electronic contact details. Electronic submission of an application establishes the date of receipt of the application by the Tribunal and is not reliant on the postal service. It also reduces the possibility of cross-contamination. If for any reason you are unable to submit an electronic application, please contact HPCADMIN@scotcourtstribunals.gov.uk who will be able to give you further guidance.
Non-time critical and non-urgent applications may not be processed until the Glasgow Tribunal Centre has re-opened to SCTS administration, unless a case is made that they are urgent and time critical.
We would remind applicants of the following important information –
If the application is not lodged in the prescribed manner, it is held to be made on the date that the Tribunal receives the last of any outstanding documents necessary to meet the required manner of lodgment (Rule 5(3) HPC Procedure Rules).
The Tribunal receives a significant volume of applications which do not meet the prescribed manner of lodgment by not providing within the application required information or not submitting prescribed attachments. This impacts on the date when the application is deemed to be made. We would ask applicants to check the written guidance for making an application on the HPC website to ensure that applications when initially sent to the FTT meet the necessary requirements.
We thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.