18.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), the First-tier Tribunal—
(a) may make a decision without a hearing if the First-tier Tribunal considers that—
(i) having regard to such facts as are not disputed by the parties, it is able to make sufficient findings to determine the case; and
(ii) to do so will not be contrary to the interests of the parties; and
(b) must make a decision without a hearing where the decision relates to—
(i) correcting; or
(ii) reviewing on a point of law,
a decision made by the First-tier Tribunal.
(2) Before making a decision under paragraph (1), the First-tier Tribunal must consider any written representations submitted by the parties. 5.Any time limits in relation to making an application still apply at present. If the application is not lodged in the prescribed manner, it is held to be made on the date that the HPC receives the last of any outstanding documents necessary to meet the required manner of lodgement (Rule 5(3) HPC Procedure Rules). 6.The HPC receives a significant volume of applications which do not meet the prescribed manner of lodgement by not providing within the application required information or not submitting prescribed attachments. Not only does this impact on the date when the application is deemed to be made, but it also delays the processing of applications whilst the absent information or document is sought. We would ask applicants to check the written guidance for making an application on the HPC website to ensure that applications when initially sent to the HPC meet the necessary requirements. This will assist the Tribunal at a time of strained resources. 7.All of the above are subject to change dependent on emergency legislation/measures.
**UPDATE** Further information is available in this news article: