Move date and full address announced for transfer to new Glasgow Tribunals Centre
Further to the announcement in January of a new Glasgow Tribunals Centre, we can now confirm the date of our move, and the full address of the new premises.
From Monday 26th March 2018, the Housing and Property Chamber address will be:
Housing and Property Chamber
First-tier Tribunal for Scotland
Glasgow Tribunals Centre
20 York Street
G2 8GT
All phone and email contact details will remain the same.
Please note that due to our relocation to the new Glasgow Tribunals Centre there will be disruption to IT and Telephone services from 12.00pm on Friday 23 March 2018 until around mid-day on Monday 26 March 2018.
If you have any questions regarding the move, please send an email to this dedicated inbox: moveto3aq@scotcourtstribunals.gov.uk