Repairs Search
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Decisions prior to 1st December 2016 will refer to the Private Rented Housing Panel. Decisions after this date will be made by the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber).
Title | Our Ref | Street Name | Town | Post Code | Type of Order | Repair Category | File | Decision Date | Upper Tribunal Decision(s) |
PRHP/RP/13/0013 NLA | PRHP/RP/13/0013 NLA | Vexhim Park | Edinburgh | EH15 3SE | Notice to Local Authority |
PRHP/RP/13/0019 | PRHP/RP/13/0019 | West Lodge | Stobo | EH45 8NY | Repairing Standard Enforcement Order |
PRHP/ML7/73/13/CC | PRHP/ML7/73/13/CC | Burns Crescent | Harthill | ML7 5QY | Certificate of Completion |
PRHP/G82/137/12 VAR | PRHP/G82/137/12 VAR | Brooks Road | Cardross | G82 5HD | Notice of Decision to Vary |
PRHP/ML1/227/12/CC | PRHP/ML1/227/12/CC | Calderview | Motherwell | ML1 1EQ | Certificate of Completion |
PRHP/EH23/103/12 NLA | PRHP/EH23/103/12 NLA | Harvieston Hall | Midlothian | EH23 4QA | Notice to Local Authority |
PRHP/EH23/109/12 NLA | PRHP/EH23/109/12 NLA | Harvieston Hall | Midlothian | EH23 4QA | Note to Local Authority |
PRHP/G41/105/12 RRO | PRHP/G41/105/12 RRO | Glenapp Street | Glasgow | G41 2LG | Rent Relief Order |
PRHP/DD2/90/12 RRO | PRHP/DD2/90/12 RRO | Briarwood Terrace | Dundee | DD2 1NX | Revocation of Rent Relief Order |
prhp/DD11/59/13 VAR | prhp/DD11/59/13 VAR | Ladybridge Street | Arbroath | DD11 1AR | Variation of Repairing Standard Enforcement Order |