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Hearing Date
Our Ref Street Name Town Number of Rooms Post Code Decision Date Previous Rent Appealed Rent Full decision file Tribunal Decision Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
PRHP.R RAC693 Belmont Street Glasgow 5 G12 8EY £3550.00 £4150.00 £6600.00
PRHP.R RAC.692 Argyle Street Glasgow 2 G3 8TE £2307.00 £2707.00 £4200.00
PRHP.R RAC.693 Belmont Street Glasgow 5 G12 8EY £3550.00 £4150.00 £6600.00
PRHP.R R686 Overdale Gardens Glasgow 2 G42 9QQ £2675.00 £3275.00 £3750.00
PRHP.R R687 Overdale gardens Glasgow 2 G42 9QQ £2675.00 £3275.00 £3750.00
PRHP.R R688 Chancellor Street Glasgow 3 G11 5RL £2250.00 £2737.00 £5100.00
PRHP.R R 684 Gardner Street Glasgow 2 G11 5NG £2191.00 £2652.00 £4500.00
PRHP.R A58 Scott Street Perth 3 PH1 5EJ £2952.00 £5400.00 £4500.00
PRHP.R a56 Saraig Ratagan 4 IV40 8HP £2004.00 £2500.00 £2400.00
PRHP.R R682 Killearn Street Glasgow 2 G22 5HY £2145.00 £2941.00 £3429.00