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Hearing Date
Our Ref Street Name Town Number of Rooms Post Code Decision Date Previous Rent Appealed Rent Full decision file Tribunal Decision Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
PRHP.R R759 Great Western Road Glasgow 3 G13 1HQ £3350.00 £4000.00 £3975.00
PRHP.R r763 Swan Court Eyemouth 2 TD14 5JG £3203.00 £4103.00 £4510.00
PRHP.R r764 Swan Court Eyemouth 2 TD14 5JG £3203.00 £4103.00 £4510.00
PRHP.R r765 Swan Court Eyemouth 2 TD14 5JG £3203.00 £4103.00 £4510.00
PRHP.R r766 Swan Court Eyemouth 1 TD14 5JG £3003.00 £3929.00 £4191.00
PRHP.R r767 Abbotsford Court Galashiels 1 TD1 3DW £2780.00 £3741.00 £3993.00
PRHP.R R751 Edgemont Street Glasgow 2 G41 3EN £3200.00 £3650.00 £4080.00
PRHP.R R753 Kinnear Road Glasgow 3 G40 3JS £4200.00 £3294.00 £4200.00
PRHP.R R754 Kinghorn Place Edinburgh 4 EH6 4BN £3650.00 £4500.00 £4500.00
PRHP.R R755 Marlborough Street Edinburgh 3 EH15 2BG £2650.00 £3600.00 £3800.00