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Hearing Date
Our Ref Street Name Town Number of Rooms Post Code Decision Date Previous Rent Appealed Rent Full decision file Tribunal Decision Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
PRHP.R A74 Fergus Drive Glasgow 3 G20 6AW £3996.00 £4800.00 £5000.00
PRHP.R r787 Battlefield Road Glasgow 3 G42 9HN £3180.00 £3680.00 £4000.00
PRHP.R r789 Battlefield Road Glasgow 3 G42 9HN £3120.00 £3620.00 £3620.00
PRHP.R r790 Battlefield Road Glasgow 3 G42 9HN £3180.00 £3680.00 £3680.00
PRHP.R R786 Bolton Drive Glasgow 3 G42 9DX £2850.00 £2875.00 £3850.00
PRHP.R R782 Boroughloch Square Edinburgh 3 EH8 9NJ £3200.00 £4000.00 £4205.00
PRHP.R R785 Ruskin Terrace Glasgow 3 G12 8DY £4550.00 £5220.00 £5300.00
PRHP.R A72 Panmure Place Edinburgh 4 EH3 9HP £3360.00 £5040.00 £4200.00
PRHP.R R784 Cambusbarron Stirling 4 FK8 3AH £6200.00 £6600.00 £7100.00
PRHP.R r.783 Clifford Street Glasgow 3 G51 1PA £2750.00 £3250.00 £4600.00