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Hearing Date
Our Ref Street Name Town Number of Rooms Post Code Decision Date Previous Rent Appealed Rent Full decision file Tribunal Decision Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
PRHP.R r.829 Lorne Street Edinburgh 3 EH6 8QW £5160.00 £5160.00
PRHP.R r.830 Lorne Place Edinburgh 1 EH6 8QT £3600.00 £3600.00
PRHP.R r831 Milton Street Edinburgh 2 EH8 8EZ £3816.00 £5160.00
PRHP.R a83 Gladsmuir Road Glasgow 4 G52 2HX £5880.00 £6480.00 £5500.00
PRHP.R a73t Newton Street Boswells Roxburghshire 4 TD6 9ES £3360.00 £5400.00 £5100.00
PRHP.R a82 Abbey House Fife 3 KY12 8JB £4800.00 £5280.00 £5280.00
PRHP.R s61 Spencerfield Road Inverkeithing 3 KY11 1PG £5490.00
PRHP.R r821 Nicolson Street Greenock 2 PA15 1TL £2137.00 £2490.00 £2600.00
PRHP.R r816 Bentinck Street Glasgow 3 G3 7TS £5004.00 £5807.00 £5500.00
PRHP.R r820 Bank Street Greenock 3 PA15 4PH £2776.00 £3331.00 £4680.00