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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0421 Rule 103 Monica Filomena, Paulo Tiago Costa Alistair Cheung
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0098 Rule 69 David Grierson Archibald Cowan
FTS/HPC/PR/20/2353 Rule 69 David Grierson Archibald Cowan
FTS/HPC/PR/20/1069 Rule 103 Cameron Hales, Sean Buchanan, Stephen Cochrane Ajitpal Dhillon, Amarjit Singh
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0031 Rule 103 Amna Shah Colin Jux, Nicky Jux
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0218 Rule 103 Laura Scott David John Kincaid
FTS/HPC/PR/20/2416 Rule 110 Charlotte Mills Simon Boparai
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0215 Rule 103 John William Strang, Sarah Strang Michael Hay
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0309 Rule 103 Christie Capstick, Ryan Frater Alan Rome
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0104 Rule 103 Keith Morris, Marilyn Morris Craigmar Properties, Kenneth Marshall