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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0770 Rule 69 David Grierson Archibald Cowan
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0770 Rule 69 David Grierson Archibald Cowan
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0330 Rule 103 Bjorn van den Bosch Callum Barrow
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0336 Rule 69 Gary Taylor, Laura Scott David John Kincaid, Katherine Kincaid
FTS/HPC/PY/21/0302 Rule 41H Wendy McMillan Gary Rundle
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0565 Rule 103 David Holderness David Ward
FTS/HPC/PY/21/0061 Rule 41H Gordon McGregor Maureen Whitford , Paul Whitford
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0728 Rule 103 Nika Teran Sydyk Ltd
FTS/HPC/PR/18/2269 Rule 69 Hakim Saumtally Alan Barclay
FTS/HPC/PR/21/0507 Rule 103 Luke Johnstone George Irving