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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/PR/19/0972 Rule 103 Joyce Bennett Linda Black
FTS/HPC/PR/19/0030 Rule 103 E Fernandez Arias F Hussain , T Hussain
FTS/HPC/PR/18/0901 Rule 80 V S Properties Tayside Ltd George Ruddiman
FTS/HPC/PR/19/0499 Rule 103 L Clark B Dickson
FTS/HPC/PR/19/1140 Rule 103 Mathilde Coudray, Pierrick Lecharpentier Kevin Mills
FTS/HPC/PR/18/2801 Rule 103 Ana Montero Frank Tokarz
FTS/HPC/PR/18/2440 Rule 103 Hauwa Ahmadu Ilian Ivanov
FTS/HPC/PR/19/0797 Rule 103 Petra Harsanyi D&F Lawson
FTS/HPC/PR/19/1111 Rule 103 Agbaraoluwa Oladiran Iwona Grazyna Majzuk-soska
FTS/HPC/PR/19/1151 Rule 103 F M Callum Falconer