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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/PR/18/2859 Rule 103 Isobel Fury Waseem Aslam
FTS/HPC/PR/19/1696 Rule 103 George Anderson Justin Greig
FTS/HPC/PR/19/2104 Rule 103 Ciara Goddard , Erin Telford Jamie Masterton
FTS/HPC/PR/19/1564 Rule 103 Andreina Seabra Andrew Bremner
FTS/HPC/PR/19/1225 Rule 103 M M Rodriguez M Christiansen
FTS/HPC/PR/19/1461 Rule 103 Syed Arslan Qadir David Wray
FTS/HPC/PR/19/1251 Rule 68 Agbaraoluwa Oladiran Iwona Grazyna Majzuk-Soska
FTS/HPC/PR/19/0051 Rule 103 Jennifer Potter Louise Prunty
FTS/HPC/PR/19/1688 Rule 103 Gemma O'Brien, Ryan Martin Allan Campbell, Andrea Campbell
FTS/HPC/PR/19/0735 Rule 103 Catherine Brooks Alan Fergusson, Hugh Mulgrew