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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/PR/19/3716 Rule 103 Greig Mellon 1-2 Let
FTS/HPC/PR/19/1654 Rule 103 Paulina Ryczkowska, Shaun Cameron Beverley Morrison
FTS/HPC/XA/19/3724 Rule 93 The Scottish Ministers Affitto Ltd
FTS/HPC/PR/19/3892 Rule 110 Natasha McGourt Scott Pye
FTS/HPC/PR/19/3128 Rule 103 A Forbes J Hewitt
FTS/HPC/PR/19/3392 _none Allan Browne Raymond O'Mara
FTS/HPC/PR/18/2712 Rule 69 Dambaru Baral Khalda Arif, Mohammed Arif
FTS/HPC/PR/19/2009 Rule 103 James Sheary Elaine Forsyth
FTS/HPC/PR/19/1867 Rule 110 Robert Gowling Claire Wright
FTS/HPC/PR/19/3094 Rule 103 Chitra Seenivasan Stuart McFarlane