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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/XA/20/0801 Rule 93 The Scottish Ministers MacKenzie Court Ltd
FTS/HPC/PR/20/0036 Rule 78 Prabakaran Kuppusamy Rabia Ashraf
FTS/HPC/PR/19/4065 Rule 103 Amy Cunningham Donald Ross Residential
FTS/HPC/PR/19/2984 Rule 103 Jack Radford Kenneth White
FTS/HPC/PR/19/2880 Rule 103 Alana Kettles Stuart MacDougall
FTS/HPC/PR/19/3971 Rule 103 Rebecca Senkbeil, Ross Senkbeil Patricia Reid, Stanley Reid
FTS/HPC/PR/20/0293 Rule 103 Kelly-Anne Bishun Robert Munro
FTS/HPC/PR/19/3607 Rule 103 Bethany Ripley, Bethany Shaw, Ela Russell, Rachel Barnicoat Stuart Currie
FTS/HPC/PR/19/3157 Rule 103 Kimberley Brown, Liam McLaughlin Eileen Reid
FTS/HPC/PR/19/3371 Rule 103 Muhamad Haziq Afif Bin Muhamad Her Ahmed Qureshi