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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/PR/20/1272 Rule 103 M Chakraborty Z E Ahmed
FTS/HPC/PR/20/1058 Rule 103 D McDonald C K Chung, Y M Chung
FTS/HPC/PR/20/1096 Rule 103 Tristin Wilson Shaheen Ullah
FTS/HPC/PR/20/0977 Rule 103 Benedek Tatar, Monika Peller David Moncur, Diane Moncur
FTS/HPC/PR/20/1200 Rule 103 Nicola Irvine Colum Devlin
FTS/HPC/PR/20/1189 Rule 103 Faye Woods Robert Cantly
FTS/HPC/PR/20/0954 Rule 103 Sophie Johnston, Tara Hector Steve Easton
FTS/HPC/PR/20/1173 Rule 103 Rhona Morrison Alan Hogarth
FTS/HPC/PR/20/0992 Rule 103 Ana Moreno Gillian Martin
FTS/HPC/PR/20/0299 Rule 103 Elsie Too, Miriam Hussain, Mutsa Chinembiri Anis Ahmad, Karim Ahmad