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Forms and Guidance - Other


The application form for all the types of application listed on the other applications page is downloadable here, as well as a guidance note that gives details of the requirements of making each application:


Notes on Application form G

At the same time as making an application, you can make a request for service by advertisement if the address of the other party is unknown. The form and guidance note are provided below:

Request for Service by Advertisement

Guidance on requests for service by advertisement

If you have any specific requirements for attendance at, and participation in, a Case Management Discussion or Hearing please complete and return this questionnaire with your application form:

Inclusive provision questionnaire

Privacy Note

If diligence has commenced on a Payment Order made by the Tribunal but has not been completed, you may be entitled to apply for a time to pay order. Pease follow this link and read the information guide before making an application:

Applications for time to pay orders.


 (printable format)


Relevant Legislation is listed below, according to the application type:

All applications:

The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber (Procedure) Regulations 2017(link is external)

The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber (Rules of Procedure) Amendment Regulations 2017(link is external)

CHAPTER 2 Procedure in respect of repairing standard applications

Rules 47, 49, 50, 59: The Housing (Scotland) Act 2006(link is external)

CHAPTER 6 Procedure in respect of assured tenancy applications

Rules 67-69: The Housing (Scotland) Act 1988(link is external)

CHAPTER 8 Procedure in respect of regulated tenancy and Part VII contract applications

Rules 75,76,78 & 80-90: Rent (Scotland) Act 1984(link is external)

CHAPTER 9 Procedure in respect of letting agent applications

Rules 93 & 94: Housing (Scotland) Act 2014(link is external)

CHAPTER 10 Procedure in respect of landlord registration applications

Rules 98-101: Antisocial Behaviour Etc. (Scotland) Act 2004(link is external)

CHAPTER 11 Procedure in respect of tenancy deposit applications

Rule 103: The Tenancy Deposit Schemes (Scotland) Regulations 2011(link is external)

CHAPTER 12 Procedure in respect of private residential tenancy applications

Rule 110: The Private Housing (Tenancies)(Scotland) Act 2016(link is external)