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Eviction and Civil Proceedings Decisions

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Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Eviction/Civil decision file (indexed field) Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/EV/22/4133 Rule109 KPM Estates Limited Amy Gardner, Eithne O'Neill
FTS/HPC/EV/22/3415 Rule109 Anacreon Barnard Louis McKenna
FTS/HPC/CV/22/4333 Rule111 Cara McKnight Shannon Moody
FTS/HPC/CV/22/2207 Rule111 Mary Foster-Grellis, Ruby Kathleen Dunkley Khalid Javid
FTS/HPC/CV/22/2817 Rule111 Malak El Dessouki Supple James Timothy
FTS/HPC/EV/22/2717 Rule109 Manvir Singh Theresa Marie Ramsey
FTS/HPC/EV/22/4223 Rule109 Bruce Baird, Jane Baird Colin Bell
FTS/HPC/CV/22/3560 Rule111 Martyn Smith Stephen McKerrall
FTS/HPC/EV/22/3669 Rule109 Edinburgh Living LLP Caitlin Hunter, Mark Paul Mitchell
FTS/HPC/EV/22/2968 Rule109 Mohammed Imran Ghafoor Amarjit Singh, Santhok Kaur