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Eviction and Civil Proceedings Decisions

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Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Eviction/Civil decision file (indexed field) Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/CV/22/0823 Rule111 Adolphus Properties Limited Gemma Rooney
FTS/HPC/EV/22/0594 Rule109 LAR Housing Trust Micheal Nowack
FTS/HPC/CV/22/0304 Rule111 Frelaur Ltd G Frame, R McNair
FTS/HPC/CV/22/1476 Rule111 Scottish Midland Co-operative Society Darren Lindsay
FTS/HPC/CV/22/0820 Rule111 Jasmine Alicia Gault, Mark David Gault Heather Ann Wilson
FTS/HPC/EV/22/0796 Rule109 Scottish Midland Co-operative Society Darren Robert Lindsay
FTS/HPC/CV/21/2939 Rule111 Elaine Watt Christopher Murray, Paige Robertson
FTS/HPC/CV/22/0628 Rule111 David Tulloch, Emma Tulloch Caspar Wilson
FTS/HPC/CV/21/1600 Rule111 Gerard Dunn Peter Lumley, Sara Lumley
FTS/HPC/EV/22/0323 Rule109 Angela McKechnie Stefan Bogdan