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Our Ref
Street Name
Kempock Street
Post Code
PA19 1NA
Type of Order
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(c), 13(1)(d), 13(1)(f)
Decision Date
Members Names
A McCamley, M Links, T Ahmed
The Committee considered submission made by the parties at the inspection, the whole written evidence, and observations made during the inspection.The Committee determined as follows:-The dampness and water ingress around the windows appears to be historic. There is no evidence of an ongoing problem. The property was wind and watertight and there is no breach of the repairing standard (Section 13(i)(a).The door entry system, buzzer, front door, landing light, loft cover and the bathroom convector fan have either been repaired or replaced and are in proper working order. Accordingly there is no breach of the repairing standard (Section 13(i)(d),There is a hard wired smoke detector system in the property and accordingly there is no breach of repairing standard (Section 13(i)(f).The kitchen radiator was in proper working order at the date of the inspection .The cross bonding at meter and boiler is outstanding and is dealt with as an adjourned matter.In reaching this decision the Committee have had regard to all the considerations required to be taken into account in terms of the Housing (Scot/and) Act 2006.


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