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Our Ref
Street Name
Clarence Gardens
Post Code
G11 7JW
Type of Order
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(c), 13(1)(d)
Decision Date
Members Names
A McCamley, A English, S Brown
The Committee considered the whole written evidence their observations at the Inspection and the oral submissions of the tenant at the Hearing. We are satisfied the whole sundry statutory procedures have been carried out within the prescribed statutory timescale.Committee considered each of the tenant's notified items in turn and whether they breached the repairing standard specified in Section 13 of the aforesaid Act and determined as follows:-The washing machine is of reputable make and it functions mechanically. We found the item of laundry exhibited to us to be an unremarkable example of a machine washed dress shirt. We are satisfied this appliance is in a reasonable state of repair and in proper working order.The leak under the sink, the T.V reception and the problems with the electric circuitry have all been resolved by the landlord. The tenant confirmed this at the Inspection and during his oral submission at the Hearing.Accordingly, the Committee determines there is no breach of the repairing standard.


comp53.08_0.pdf (174.8 KB)