Rent Search
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Our Ref | Street Name | Town | Number of Rooms | Post Code | Decision Date | Previous Rent | Appealed Rent | Full decision file | Tribunal Decision | Upper Tribunal Decision(s) |
FTS/HPC/RN/24/3589 | Hesperus Crossway | Edinburgh | 3 | EH5 1SL | £630.35 | £661.87 | £661.87
FTS/HPC/RN/24/5453 Rejection | Gorgie Road | Edinburgh | 2 | EH11 2LZ | £988.80 | £1107.00 |
Written Decision (Reject)
FTS/HPC/RR/24/2895 | Vine Street | Glasgow | 4 | G11 6BB | £4620.00 | £5640.00 | £5640.00
FTS/HPC/RS/24/3602 | Clark Street | Renfrew | 3 | PA4 8JG | £5700.00 | £9600.00 |
FTS/HPC/RR/24/3773 | Whelpside Farmhouse, Glenbrook Road | Balerno | 5 | EH14 7JF | £15000.00 | £16500.00
FTS/HPC/RN/24/3474- Rent Determination | Railway Gardens | Crieff | 4 | PH7 3FT | £8377.20 | £9047.40 | £9047.40
FTS/HPC/RN/24/3779 | Dalmeny Street | Edinburgh | 5 | EH6 8RA | £8400.00 | £11400.00 |
FTS/HPC/RA/24/2929 | King Street | Dundee | 2 | DD5 1EY | £525.00 | £700.00 |
FTS/HPC/RR/24/3370 | Watt Street | Greenock | 3 | PA16 8JN | £4562.54 | £5100.00 | £5000.00
FTS/HPC/RS/24/1971 Determination | Second Avenue | Uddingston | 3 | G71 6BG | £6600.00 | £10200.00 | £7392.00