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Our Ref
Street Name
Allison Street
Post Code
ML11 8RG
Type of Order
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(b), 13(1)(d)
Decision Date
Members Names
R Handley, M Links, S Campbell
Having heard from the tenant and from representatives on behalf of the landlord, the Committee agreed to vary the Repairing Standard Order. The Committee now requires the landlord to carry out such work as is necessary for the purposes of ensuring that the Property meets the repairing standard and that any damage caused by the carrying out of any work in terms of this Order is made good.In particular the Committee requires the landlord:-(a) To remove and replace all windows in the Property (with the exception of the side facing window in the second bedroom) and to ensure that all the replaced windows are wind and watertight and that they meet the Repairing Standard.The Committee orders that the works specified in this Order be carried out and completed within the period of 2 months from the date of service of this Notice.


var.70.08_0.pdf (102.2 KB)