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Our Ref
Street Name
Moyness Road
Post Code
IV12 5JZ
Type of Order
RSEO variation
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(b)
Decision Date
Members Names
E Miller, C Hepburn, L Robertson
The Private Rented Housing Committee having determined on 26 January 2010 that the Repairing Standard Enforcement Order relative to the property dated 6 April 2009 as subsequently varied on 15 September 2009 should be further varied, the said Repairing Standard Enforcement Order is hereby varied with effect from the date of service of this Notice in the following respects:-1. That the windows at the Property require further repair works or replacement to render them wind and water tight and in all respects reasonably fit for human habitation and in particular to ensure that they open and close properly and without the use of excessive force in doing so and that the level of air ingress to the Property between the windows and the window frames is reduced where appropriate.2. The period allowed for the completion of the works required by the Order is extended by six weeks from the date of service of this Notice.3. Subject 25(3) of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 does not apply in this case.


var.5.09_0.pdf (473.57 KB)