Our Ref
prhp/G44/102/10/revRSEO Street Name
Curtis Avenue Town
Glasgow Post Code
G44 4NP Type of Order
RSEO revocation Repair Category
13(1)(a) Decision Date
Members Names
J Bauld , A English, J Riach Details
The Committee, having made such enquiries as it sees fit for the purpose of determining whether the landlords have complied with the RSEO in relation to the property concerned and taking ful/ account of aI/ the evidence provided by both the tenant and the landlords now determine that the RSEO should be revoked. The Committee noted that the tenant is satisfied that the major works to the property including the installation of new double glazed windows and to eradicate rot and prevent water ingress had been carried out. The Committee accordingly determined to treat the application as withdrawn and to revoke the RSEO.