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Our Ref
Street Name
Walker Drive
South Queensferry
Post Code
EH30 9RR
Type of Order
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(c), 13(1)(d)
Decision Date
Members Names
A Cowan , D Marshall, C Anderson
In particular the Private Rented Housing Committee requires the landlords to carry out such works asare necessary to:(a) provide keys for all windows in the Property or replace the locks on the windows, such that all windows in the Property are capable of being locked.(b) Repair or replace the bath on the Property.(c) Repair the leak to the toilet within the Property.(d) Carry out such repairs as may be necessary to exclude excessive draughts from the windows in the living room of the Property and the small bedroom to the front of the Property.(e) Carry out such works as are necessary to the lock up in the basement of the Property (in relation to the part of which the Tenant has exclusive use) to allow the Tenant to use that area as a dry storage area.(f) Carry out such repairs as are necessary to the central healing system within the Property (including the radiators) so that the said central heating system operates correctly and that it does not make loud banging noises when operational.The Committee further determined that any damage caused by the carrying out of any work in pursuance of the necessary repairs to the Property is to be made good by the Landlords.The Private Rented Housing Committee order that the works specified in this Order must be carried out and completed within two calendar months from the date of service of this Notice.


rseo.34.09_0.pdf (550.42 KB)