Our Ref
prhp/DG1/10/10/var Street Name
Castle Street Town
Dumfries Post Code
DG1 1GJ Type of Order
RSEO variation Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(b) Decision Date
Members Names
A Cowan, G Campbell, S Campbell Details
The Private Rented Housing Committee having determined on 220d September 2010 that the Repairing Standard Enforcement Order relative to the Property served on 18'h June 2010 should be varied, the said Repairing Standard Enforcement Order is hereby varied with effect from the date of service of this notice in the following respect:-The Private Rented Housing Committee order that the works specified in the Repairing Standard Enforcement Order must be carried out and compieted by not later than 31 December 2010. File: