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Our Ref
Street Name
Helmsdale Drive
Post Code
Type of Order
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(b), 13(1)(c), 13(1)(f)
Decision Date
Members Names
E Miller, D Godfrey, J Wolstencroft
The Committee were satisfied that the Landlords would address the remaining issues swiftly and, in the circumstances, were prepared to (a) refrain for the moment from Issuing a Repairing Standard Enforcement Order and (b) continue the Hearing for a period of 2 weeks to allow the works that were stili outstanding to be carried out. The Landlords were agreeable to this course of action. The Committee directed the Landlords that the following works would require to be carried out prior to a reinspection by the Surveyor Member. The works to be carried out were:-(a) A correctly addressed and valid Gas Safety CerJlficate was to be provided to the Committee ,(b) Installation of a proper hardwired mains interlinked smoke alarm system ,(c) The repair of the guttering to the front of the Property , and(d) The replacement of the facias of the lounge window pending its replacement.In the event of the reinspection showing that these works had been carried out to the appropriate standard then a decision wouid be issued confirming the Landiords had complied with the terms of the Act.The Surveyor Member carried out the reinspection of the Property on 29 September 2009 and found that items (a)-(d) as required by the Committee had been carried out to a satisfactory standard.The Committee accordingly determined that the Landlord had not failed to comply with the duty imposed by Section 14 (1 )(b) of the Act.


comp.43.09_0.pdf (306.83 KB)