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Our Ref
Street Name
Beauly Avenue
Post Code
Type of Order
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(b), 13(1)(c), 13(1)(f)
Decision Date
Members Names
E Miller, D Godfrey, J Wolstencroft
In particular the Private Rented Housing Committee requires the landlord:-(a) To repair the large hole in the kitchen ceiling adjacent to the rear window and to carry out such redecoration works as are necessary ,(b) To make good the damage caused by water ingress to the larger of the two bedrooms upstairs and to carry out such repair works as may be necessary to the roof of the Property to prevent any further water ingress ,(c) To make good damage caused by water ingress to the upstairs hallway wall and to carry out such further works as are necessary in relation to the external harling and rear downpipe to prevent any further damage being occasioned ,(d) To install new back panels to the cupboards adjacent to the dishwasher in the kitchen ,(e) To replace all broken, split and cracked floor tiles within the kitchen ,(f) To replace the guttering to the side of the Property ,(g) To repair or replace the guttering at the rear of the Property ,(h) To repair or replace the rear downpipe at the Property and make good any damage to the harling behind the downpipe ,(i) To replace the lounge window and the two upper floor bedroom windows ,(j) To repair or replace the downstairs bedroom window, the kitchen window and bathroom window and in particular to ensure that the said windows are capable of being opened and shut smoothly and all necessary handles are in place and properly operational ,(k) To replace both the front and back doors and the surrounding frames and to ensure that the replacements are properly wind and watertight ,(l) To provide the Committee with a clear periodic inspection report by a qualified electrician confirming that the property is compliant with the relevant regulations and to secure any loose sockets and switches within the Property ,(m) To carry out such remedial works as are necessary to the rear of the bath to stop the pooling of water and water ingress t


rseo.27.10_0.pdf (548.27 KB)