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Our Ref
Street Name
Hill Terrace
Post Code
DD11 1AH
Type of Order
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(d)
Decision Date
Members Names
E Miller, D Godfrey, A McKay
In particular the Private Rented Housing Committee requires the landlord:-(a) To repair or replace the wall tiles within the wet room to ensure no further water leakage and damp penetration to the bedroom ,(b) To carry out such works to the wet room floor as are necessary to ensure that there is a fall towards the drain and that the pooling of water within the wet room Is restricted ,(c) To produce a current and clear Gas Safety Certificate over the Property and to exhibit this to the Committee ,(d) To carry out such works as are necessary to the front bedroom window to allow it to be capable of being opened and shut smoothly ,(e) To carry out repair works to the front bedroom and lounge windows to repair the rot damaged areas and to repaint the windows after this has been done.The Private Rented Housing Committee order that the works speCified in this Order must be carried out and completed within the period of 28 days from the date of service of this Notice.


rseo.3.11_0.pdf (289.61 KB)