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Our Ref
Street Name
Lamond Place
Post Code
AB25 3UT
Type of Order
Cert of Completion
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(b), 13(1)(c)
Decision Date
Members Names
E Miller, M Andrew, M Scott
A further inspection was carried out on 7 June 2010 and the bedroom wall was still found to be very damp. The Surveyor Member advised the Landlord that in order to properly address this the plasterboard may need to be stripped back and repiaced. A final inspection was carried out by the Surveyor Member on 16 June 2010. There was still two very small areas of damp on the gable wall of the liVing room. These were very small in size (around 50mm x 50mm) and were at the higher wall level. The Committee did not consider these to be sufficient to warrant any further action. The bedroom wall and the rest of the lounge walls were now largely free of damp. There were one or two minor areas of damp within the kitchen gable wall but after discussion the Committee were satisfied that these were not sufficient to render the Property unfit in terms of the repairing standard. The Surveyor Member had again carried out an inspection of the flat roof over the living room which still showed no signs of water ingress. The Committee were aware that there were still larger works that would be required to the Property and the rest of the tenement in terms of the Serious Disrepair Notice by Aberdeen Council. However the Property itself now appeared to be free of damp and water ingress and had been properly redecorated. On that basis the Committee were satisfied on the advice of the Surveyor Member that the Property now met with the repairing standard and accordingly decided to issue a Certificate of Completion discharging the RSEO under Section 60 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006.


cc.12.10_0.pdf (198.21 KB)