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Our Ref
Street Name
Provost Graham Avenue
Post Code
AB15 8HB
Type of Order
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(b), 13(1)(c), 13(1)(d)
Decision Date
Members Names
J Taylor, A Anderson, M Scott
The Committee finds:-a. The slight mould they saw in the Property was insufficient to result in the Property not being wind and water tight and reasonably fit for human habitation.b. The central heating system appeared to be in a reasonable state of repair and proper working order. The Committee witnessed the system working and examined the Safety Certificate for the system.c. The obligation on the Landlords in relation to insulation of the Property is to ensure that the Property is wind tight and reasonably fit for habitation. The Committee noted that there was insulation present in the eaves of the Property and there were no recommendation within the Energy Performance Certificate to improve the insulation. Therefore the Committee were satisfied that that the level of insulation in the Property does not prevent the Property from being wind tight and reasonably fit for habitation.d. The Committee made no determination regarding the washing machine as the Tenants withdrew this part of their application.e. The Committee did not find smoke odours in the Property at the time of the inspection, although they acknowledged that the Tenant had advised that the odours existed in the early evening. The Committeeagreed that the presence of smoke odours in the Property alone would not result in the Property failing to meet the Repairing Standard.The Committee accordingly determined that the Landlord had not failed to comply with the duty imposed by Section 14 (1)(b) of the Act.


comp.37.09_0.pdf (259.73 KB)