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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3867 Rule 103 Alexandra Bailie Ian Jacobs, Sally Jacobs
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3885 Rule 110 Karolina Zganiacz, Samuel Lambe Helen Culbard
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3898 Rule 103 Conrad Wood Stuart Crossland
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3949 Rule 49 Alexander Ewing Michelle Brandt
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3962 Rule 103 Yvonne Owens Ranbir Patwal
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3984 Rule 103 Amber Robinson, Cristian Medina Main, David Muir, Jenny Robinson Andy Forbes
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3984 Rule 103 Amber Robinson, Cristian Medina Main, David Muir ACF Properties Ltd, Andy Forbes
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3988 Rule 103 Cameron Kier, Ethan Hunt, Ewan Watt, Kieran Rutherford, Philip Cooper Sandstone
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3991 Rule 110 Louise Muir Diane Watt
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3994 Rule 103 Lauren Copeland, Patrick Vigurs Lynnel Farrow