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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/PR/18/0204 Rule 103 Gabor Szabo , Isabella Conaghan Julie Campbell
FTS/HPC/PR/18/0206 Rule 87 Isabella Conaghan, Gabor Szabo Julie Campbell
FTS/HPC/PR/18/0236 Rule 103 Deborah Plumpton Ruth Brown
FTS/HPC/PR/18/0241 Rule 103 Oana Iosif Daniel Buda
FTS/HPC/PR/18/0249 Rule 103 Mary Walker Timo Dekoning
FTS/HPC/PR/18/0276 Rule 103 Michael Dobbie David Shand
FTS/HPC/PR/18/0276 Rule 103 Michael Dobbie David Shand
FTS/HPC/PR/18/0276.decision Rule 103 Michael Dobbie David Shand
FTS/HPC/PR/18/0284 Rule 103 Pamela Jack Anita Marie Henderson
FTS/HPC/PR/18/0353 Rule 103 Alan Timmins, Rosemarie Timmins Susan Coyle [2019] UT 16