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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/PR/22/1414 Rule 103 Helen Joanna Jones, Josh Jones Northwood Dundee LTD
FTS/HPC/PR/22/1424 Rule 103 Chris Johnston Peter Kevin known as Kevin Shields
FTS/HPC/PR/22/1444 Rule 103 N Hussain N Ameen
FTS/HPC/PR/22/1453 Rule 110 David Gering-Hasthorpe, Shari Levine Stephen Paul Cooper
FTS/HPC/PR/22/1485 Rule 103 Joanna Piechnik Ian McCann, Suzanne McCann
FTS/HPC/PR/22/1490 Rule 103 Karen Mackenzie David Blyth
FTS/HPC/PR/22/1511 Rule 103 Jeremy Westacott Emma Gauld
FTS/HPC/PR/22/1523 Rule 103 Daisy Bradshaw Zee Ellahi
FTS/HPC/PR/22/1534 Rule 110 Paulina Porubska Siya Yadav
FTS/HPC/PR/22/1573 Rule 103 Aimee Stewart, Blair Henney Lowther Homes