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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/PR/22/2331 _none Mark Andrew Yaskawa Electric UK Ltd
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3217 _none Wei Zheng Gagan Deep Sharma
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3721 _none Alisha Palmer Rauds Group Ltd
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3799 _none Finlay McCarthy, Madeleine Anderson Deborah Cummiskey
FTS/HPC/PR/23/0855 _none Hyung Lin Kim Chun Huang
FTS/HPC/PR/23/0257 _none Samuel Appleby Craig Cameron
FTS/HPC/PR/22/3527 _none Shazia Nawaz Steven Smith
FTS/HPC/PR/22/4232 _none Matthew Johnson Aurora Dunlop
FTS/HPC/PR/23/0151 _none Joseph Bailie, William Bailie Caroline Anne Godbolt, Susan Michelle Savin
FTS/HPC/PR/19/0888 Rule 100 Dale Hughes Glasgow City Council [2020] UT 42, [2020] UT 43, [2021] UT 12