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Other Private Tenancy Applications Decisions

Below you will find listed decisions that have been made by the tribunal on applications in the Other Private Tenancy Applications category.
Case Reference Tribunal Rule Hearing Date Applicant Respondent Decision file Upper Tribunal Decision(s)
FTS/HPC/PR/24/4027 Rule 103 Runlin Li Magid Shabestary
FTS/HPC/PR/24/1767 Rule 103 Zainab Ali Awan Mark Lennie
FTS/HPC/PR/23/2445 Rule 103 Elizabeth Mathew, Govind Suresh, Robin Thomas Raju, Shaima Razak Jennifer Wang, Zhongquan Wang
FTS/HPC/CV/24/2009 Rule 103 Argus Ross, Danial Boules Memuna Chaudhry, Sajid Quayam
FTS/HPC/PR/24/2047 Rule 103 Omolola Olusegun-Iroko Shehnaz Mohammed
FTS/HPC/PR/24/3060 Rule 103 Kellie Murray Susan Owen
FTS/HPC/PR/24/0977 Rule 103 Nicola Fraser, William Fraser John Standaloft
FTS/HPC/PR/23/2498 Rule 110 A McIntosh, C Bonnyman F Chan
FTS/HPC/PR/24/2125 Rule 103 Ummugulsum Demir Adil Mahmood, Rabee Harb
FTS/HPC/PR/24/4180 Rule 103 Sabina Neure Craigsco Ltd