The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber) was formed to deal with determinations of rent or repair issues in private sector housing; assistance in exercising a landlord’s right of entry; and relatively informal and flexible proceedings to help resolve issues that arise between homeowners and property factors. From 1 December 2017, the Chamber began to receive more private rented cases, being applications provided for by the transfer of jurisdiction from the Sheriff Courts of non-criminal matters arising from regulated, Part VII and assured tenancies (Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 refers). The Chamber also receives applications for rent assessments, drawing up of terms, evictions and other non-criminal matters arising from the new Private Residential Tenancy (Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 refers).
Further private rented sector cases are being added from 31 January 2018, arising from the new letting agents legislation (Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 refers).